Below are the top 40 TLDs listed in SURBL (ranked by unique counts). Numbers on the right are counts of the domains in the TLDs in the middle: 1: com 335359 2: top 55490 3: cn 52007 4: link 44999 n/a: ( 24600 5: ru 24030 6: dev 21263 n/a: ( 18679 7: net 18488 n/a: ( 15490 n/a: ( 12973 8: info 12419 9: xyz 11247 10: shop 9822 n/a: ( 9689 11: life 8813 12: me 8418 n/a: ( 6474 n/a: ( 6308 13: cc 5983 14: org 5535 15: io 5475 n/a: ( 5426 16: click 5393 n/a: ( 4684 17: live 4629 18: cfd 4606 n/a: ( 4544 n/a: ( 4461 n/a: ( 4386 19: jp 4097 20: best 3894 21: biz 3743 22: uk 3466 23: pro 3447 24: app 3358 25: de 2949 n/a: ( 2886 n/a: ( 2765 n/a: ( 2738 26: co 2698 27: tk 2312 28: ink 2273 n/a: ( 2029 29: fr 1934 n/a: ( 1902 30: one 1892 31: win 1872 32: bond 1870 n/a: ( 1801 n/a: ( 1718 33: world 1668 34: tokyo 1636 n/a: ( 1623 35: nl 1613 36: vip 1421 37: in 1419 38: us 1385 39: asia 1318 40: lat 1207 Full list at Below are the top 10 of abused redirectors (to our knowledge): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The total domains in each of the SURBL datasets: SURBL ABUSE: 606096 - SURBL CRACKED: 913 SURBL MALWARE: 9243 - SURBL PHISH: 203850 SURBL CLICKTRACKERS: 20412 - SURBL DISPOSABLE: 16246 SURBL FRESH is a subscriber only dataset not publicly available The total listed domains in the SURBL FRESH dataset: 12517737 SURBL HASHBL is a subscriber only dataset not publicly available The total listed domains in the SURBL HASHBL dataset: 347072 Last update: 2024-07-27 05:54 UTC (updated every hour)