Below are the top 40 TLDs listed in SURBL (ranked by unique counts). Numbers on the right are counts of the domains in the TLDs in the middle: 1: com 306701 2: top 52859 3: cn 52634 4: link 39984 5: xyz 26214 n/a: ( 20142 6: net 19219 n/a: ( 18643 7: ru 18201 n/a: ( 17120 n/a: ( 13088 8: info 11846 n/a: ( 9998 9: dev 9699 10: me 7851 11: cfd 7368 12: cc 7060 13: shop 6888 14: life 6850 n/a: ( 6489 15: click 6280 16: live 6251 17: org 5659 n/a: ( 5433 18: jp 5248 n/a: ( 4545 n/a: ( 4131 19: io 3637 20: best 3591 n/a: ( 3341 21: biz 3302 n/a: ( 3206 n/a: ( 2752 22: de 2723 n/a: ( 2673 23: pro 2614 24: co 2588 25: vip 2502 n/a: ( 2497 n/a: ( 2464 26: tokyo 2456 27: tk 2377 28: app 2361 n/a: ( 2205 29: one 2142 30: bond 2120 n/a: ( 1999 31: fr 1905 32: win 1898 33: uk 1832 n/a: ( 1762 34: world 1647 35: nl 1610 36: us 1554 37: in 1425 n/a: ( 1407 n/a: ( 1339 n/a: ( 1323 38: lat 1309 n/a: ( 1239 39: br 1133 40: ml 1085 Full list at Below are the top 10 of abused redirectors (to our knowledge): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The total domains in each of the SURBL datasets: SURBL ABUSE: 583102 - SURBL CRACKED: 984 SURBL MALWARE: 8698 - SURBL PHISH: 156888 SURBL CLICKTRACKERS: 18517 - SURBL DISPOSABLE: 15532 SURBL FRESH is a subscriber only dataset not publicly available The total listed domains in the SURBL FRESH dataset: 12070013 SURBL HASHBL is a subscriber only dataset not publicly available The total listed domains in the SURBL HASHBL dataset: 138974 Last update: 2024-05-18 12:54 UTC (updated every hour)